| PART ONE : 108 Buddhist Statues in Tibet |
第一部分: 《西藏寺庙珍藏佛教造像108尊》
| PART THREE : 108 additional Sculptures of the Lhasa gTsug lag khang |
第三部分: 《未出版拉萨大昭寺珍藏雕塑108尊》
Part Two Ulrich von Schroeder |
第二部分 乌尔里希•冯•施罗德 |
307B. Buddha Vajrāsana (Tib.: Thub pa rdo rje gdan) 金刚座佛陀 |
307C–D. Buddha Śākyamuni (Tib.: Śākya thub pa)
Tibetan Brass Traditions 12th century 释迦牟尼佛 |
307E–F. Buddha Śākyamuni (Tib.: Śākya thub pa) 释迦牟尼佛 |
311A. Portrait of Unidentified Monk
Tibetan Brass Traditions 12th century 高僧像 |
311B. Portrait of Unidentified Monk 高僧像 |
311C–D. Portrait Image of a Lay Tantric Practitioner
Tibetan Brass Traditions 12th century 俗家密法修行者像 |
311E–F. Unidentified Monk 高僧像 |
313B. Buddha Śākyamuni (Tib.: Śākya thub pa)
Tibetan Brass Traditions circa 13th century 释迦牟尼佛 |
313C. Buddha Śākyamuni (Tib.: Śākya thub pa) 释迦牟尼佛 |
313D. Buddha Śākyamuni (Tib.: Śākya thub pa)
Tibetan Brass Traditions circa 13th century 释迦牟尼佛 |
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| PART ONE : 108 Buddhist Statues in Tibet |
第一部分: 《西藏寺庙珍藏佛教造像108尊》
| PART THREE : 108 additional Sculptures of the Lhasa gTsug lag khang |
第三部分: 《未出版拉萨大昭寺珍藏雕塑108尊》